
An array of speakers was arranged on the walls inside a small steel tool shed.The sound material consisted of recordings of water as well as water sounds created by acoustic instruments, field recordings and electronic means. From the outside of the closed shed all sounds blend together.The audience was invited to listen more closely with little images of ears affxed to the sides of the shed.

Some of these were placed directly over the speakers others in random spots between speakers. In this way viewers focused in on the individual sounds that create the whole.The purpose of the singing shed was to explore different levels of perception.

The perception of the sounds as a whole, the individual sounds, the creation of water sounds using non-liquid elements balanced against recordings of actual water and individual and group perceptions.The other aim of the project is to use the shed as an instrument of sorts, the structure itself being used to transmit the sounds.WaterShed was installed as part of the “Endurance Shed” series at Sea and Space gallery in Highland Park, Los Angeles in February, 2009.This piece was made in collaboration with Thadeus Frazer-Reed

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