8 Discussions on Progress

Concert at the Marigny Opera House in New Orleans.

Concert at the Marigny Opera House in New Orleans.

8 Discussions on Progress; Cassia Streb, 2014

This piece is created to mirror the construction of Yakich’s poem, Progress, in that the viola and violin pose questions or open discussions and then the field recordings offer two possible outcomes to these questions. In music, unlike poetry, we have the option of layering sounds so that we can experience both options at once.

Progress by Mark Yakich

There is
(a) seduction in the going toward and going away or
(b) dissatisfaction in progress.

You have the choice to
(a) mind yourself or
(b) mine everyone else.

It is only
(a) a lust in the mirror or
(b) the supposition of a bust.

There is
(a) a death which waits for us or
(b) one which does not.

That kisses
(a) kissed enough become stones or
(b) only break the seal.

You may
(a) not need this information now or
(b) want to go to bed.

What's left for you is
(a) the page of a book or
(b) the back of a heartthrob's head.

"When I don't know what you're thinking,
(a) I feel like I'm going blind or
(b) I am blind."